Sunday, February 24, 2008

Out Spotlight XIV

Today we have a comedienne on the Out Spotlight- Korean-American, bisexual Margaret Cho. Cho grew up in San Francisco in a very diverse community that she described as "old hippies, ex-druggies, burnouts from the '60s, drag queens, Chinese people and Koreans. To say it was a melting pot - that's the least of it. It was a really confusing, enlightening, wonderful time." She began performing comedy with her high school's improv comedy troupe.

Cho started a stand-up career and after several years opened for Jerry Seinfeld. She was also a frequent guest on Arsenio Hall. Cho starred in a short-lived sitcom called All-American Girl, in 1994. The show was the first to feature an Asian family. The irony of it was that Cho was called both "too Asian" and "not Asian enough." The producers of the show even hired a coach to teach her how to be more Asian. After being criticized because it was felt that her face was "too round," Cho rapidly lost weight and ended up with serious kidney failure. Despite all these efforts, the show was canceled.

Cho struggled after the cancelation of her show and turned to drugs and alcohol. She worked on some new material and in 1999 did her first one-woman show I'm the One that I Want, which chronicled her attempts to break into show business and focused on her ethnicity and weight. In 2002, Cho did another one-woman show called Notorious C. H. O., that dealt with her childhood growing up in '70s San Francisco and her bisexuality. In 2005 Cho released her first self-written film, Bam Bam and Celeste, about a fag hag and her gay male best friend. The film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival. Cho has written several books and recently toured with a variety show called The Sensuous Woman. Cho emceed the True Colors tour last year. Cho has also appeared in several music videos, including the one for today's song!

Margaret Cho is quite political and has been open about her dislike of President Bush. At a few performances, Cho has been threatened with picketing due to her remarks. Cho was even un-invited to the Human Rights Campaign/National Stonewall Democrats fundraiser in 2004 out of fear her statements might cause controversy. Cho recently said she supports presidential candidate Barack Obama.

Much of Cho's political advocacy focuses on GLBT issues. When San Francisco started issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, Cho started a website promoting same-sex marriage called Love is Love is Love. Cho has referred to the gay community as her community and says that she is queer, despite her 2003 marriage to Al Ridenour. She continues to write and speak about gay issues in her shows.

Check out her website. She also has a link to her blog. Check out this video of Cho doing her mother telling a story about her father's encounter with a gay friend.

Margaret Cho in 1994.


Anonymous said...

I have always thought Margaret Cho was a riot. I like her funny observations from outside the world of rich, white and male - those of a female, Asian, and Queer. I also like her comment that she thinks being called a Fag Hag is like a badge of honor. I think she said that, didn't she? ;)

Anonymous said...

Oscar moments:

Tom Hanks Outs His Teacher (1994)

In an emotional acceptance speech for his first Best Actor Oscar for Philadelphia, Hanks gave recognition to someone who would rather have been left out. He saluted his high school drama teacher, Rawley Farnsworth, calling him one of "the finest gay Americans". Only problem was nobody knew Farnsworth was gay. The bumble eventually became the inspiration for the movie In & Out.

Stubborn TB said...

I had heard about Margaret Cho before, but I have never seen any of her shows.

But now that I watched the video you linked, I just have to find more funny stuff like that from her.

frenchy said...

Good morning! Hello Netb!

I found the above on Margaret Cho's blog. :D

Here is a photo of me from my 1st birthday party. I don’t remember anything that happened so I must have been pretty drunk.

What a fascinating lady! The Asian perspective is not one we often learn about, unless in a pre-packaged way. I watched the video ("don't punch , say thank you", lol!) and I noticed there are several of her videos up. Her mother has become some sort of icon right?

Damn you though! Each time I think I've got my bookmarks properly organized, I'm adding new ones!

frenchy said...

Oups! When I posted only Netb's comment was up. So hello everybody! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Frenchy, I haven't seen Margaret Cho in awhile, but yes, I think she's made her mother into an icon! I've never seen her live, which I'd love to do. I should have said the world of "rich, white, male and straight" in my comment above too. :)

Anonymous said...

From Last post :

" I miss Chris too. He and Jake were starting to look alike like an old married couple with their matching hair and beards"

If so, they are the sexiest old married couple around. They look so good together, very manly, affectionate, loving and comfortable. Chris is very protective, and thoroughly in sync with Jake's emotions, just like Maggie and Naomi.

"This friendship is so important I can see Jake fiercely guarding this and protecting it, pulling it away from all the speculating"

I can see this too, although there might be some internal tension because of the parent's near-estrangement. And I think that Jake has a harder time making new friends than Chris because of his fame. Jake is probably suffering more emotionally than Chris now because they aren't hanging anymore.

Wicked said...

Erin, I remember that speech by Tom Hanks. I did not know that his teacher was not out and Hanks effectively outed him. I wonder how it affected Farnsworth's life. If he was mad, or what?

What I found interesting about Margaret Cho was the whole "too Asian, not Asian enough, let us teach you how to be Asian" thing. I really thought that the producers of All American Girl wanted Cho to be Asian in the way they defined it. And I bet the producers weren't Asian at all.

Wicked said...

Wow! OMG music fave Sia has come out!

Anonymous said...

So, who do people want to win tonight?

Anonymous said...

It IS kind of funny that Farnsworth was outed on national/international TV, at the Oscars of all things. I wonder what both his and Tom Hanks reactions were afterwards. Sure both would never live it

Anonymous said...

It IS kind of funny that Farnsworth was outed on national/international TV, at the Oscars of all things.

Could you imagine that happening to you if you weren't out? Shit!

Florida Tom said...

oscar watch said...
So, who do people want to win tonight?

Brokeback Mountain.

Anonymous said...

Lineup for the Oscars tonight

Hillary Swank is doing the In Memoriam segment. Denzel's presenting Best Picture.

Anonymous said...

Could you imagine that happening to you if you weren't out? Shit!

I know! There's no way talking yourself out of that one. lol

Talk about cold comfort, being acknowledged as a great inspiration from someone who won the Oscar but then they spill your secret at the same time. :o OMG Hanks musta felt bad. But not as bad as Farnsworth. lol

Anonymous said...

Brokeback Mountain.


I mean this in the nicest way possible- you have to let it go and move on.

destiny said...

I have a lot of admiration for what Margaret Cho has done, and what she stands for. However I am not a big fan or her material, just not my taste in comedy I guess.

I have no strong feelings about tonight's oscars. I think DDL gave an incredible performance, and I did like There Will Be Blood, as well as Country of Old Me and Into the Wild, which did not get many nods. But I just don't feel any real excitement about the nominations this year. Personally I still think Zodiac was hands down the best movie this year (and I'd say that even if it didn't have Jake in it), and the fact that it was snubbed by the studio and the oscars still annoys me.

Also, while I still watch and I'm going to an oscar party, I just don't feel the same way as I did before BBM.

Interesting discussion in yesterday's post about the double standard surrounding fantasies about two women vs. two men. I think men are bothered by the latter because of their own homophobia/discomfort with the idea. I think most straight men would freak if their gf's wanted, for example, a three-way with two men, but would jump if it was two women. I also think it is a control issue, society (read straight men) has always tried to dictate what is "acceptable" in terms of sexuality.

As for the slash discussion, I've always wondered about how people who are so into BBM that way can be so disturbed by the idea of Jake and Austin. It has never made sense to me. Maybe on some level some women don't really read it as two men, or put themselves in it and think of it as them and Jake? Or maybe it feeds into a need to see men as driven by love and not sex, and that there could only be one man (Ennis) that could have ever made Jake (Jack) feel that way? I also tend to think the people who are disturbed by the thought of Jake with a man in real life are probably a small minority when it comes to slash readers.

I wonder if anyone has written anything from a psychological point of view about slash? I suspect not, probably another case of ignoring women's sexuality.

Florida Tom said...

sometimes life's not fair and you just gotta accept it said...
Brokeback Mountain.


I mean this in the nicest way possible- you have to let it go and move on.

No thanks. I have no intention of moving on. Why should I. That was a blatant example of Homophobia. Until the academy changes I will not watch.

Anonymous said...

Dont plan to watch the Oscars. I've never forgiven them for the BBM debacle and no, I don't plan to move on from this. To me it exposed the hypocrisy when voting members revealed they did not even watch the movie. Besides, results are on the web almost immediately and any speeches worth seeing will be on Utube before the night is over. I wont miss anything worth seeing. I totally enjoyed the Independent Film awards show yesterday. It's always a breath of fresh air.

I've read a few articles about slash since I am such a fan, but can't recall too much that's been written about the psychological aspects right now. I do know that the majority of slash authors are female. There is usually a slow build up to the actual bodice ripping first time, clearly a female slant. But I like fics written by men just as well. They tend to be more realistic since the author is usually gay, graphic and just as sexy in a different way. Funny thing is, I'd seen all the movies before. My Beautiful Laundrette, Maruice, A Beautiful Thing, A Home at the end of the Road etc, etc. No big reaction. But seeing Ennis/Jack, Jake/Heath tripped something in my brain. Fireworks. Off the chart sexual chemistry. Like Jake and Austin.

Anonymous said...

from Australian NW magazine:

"Five minutes with ... Jake Gyllenhaal

NW talks with Jake Gyllenhaal about bulking up, cycling and being a sex symbol

Are you okay with being a sex symbol?

Am I fine with it? Do I have a problem with it? I don't know. Look, it gives me the opportunity to do the work I want to do. Ironically then, I have no problem with it because it's sort of more about the work I want to do.

You bulked up a lot for Jarhead and you seem to have kept some of it. Do you work out a lot?

I don't know. [Laughs.] I do exercise, but I don't really focus on keeping myself looking physically good. I want to feel good. It makes me feel good to do that. So I guess it stayed. I don't know — I feel a lot skinnier than I was then.

You've become a keen cyclist. Have you had any injuries?

I've fallen, but nothing serious. I'm still here.

How did you get into it?

My best friend is a cyclist and he had a tandem bike. One day he was like, "Let's ride." I got on the back of the bike and we were riding and we just started pushing so hard, working together on this tandem bike. It was so much fun. I just remember that one ride — from then on I started riding. Then I guess Lance Armstrong heard that I biked and so he called me one day: "You want to go for a ride?"

There was this phase where there were always photos of you, Lance and Matthew McConaughey …

[Laughs.] Yeah. Well, then I had to go to work. We all hung out during summer, then we all had to go to work.

Your fans seem to worry that you're not happy. Are you happy?

That's really sweet, actually — it's really nice. I would say, "Stop worrying about me and ask yourself."

Perhaps they just get this melancholic vibe from you ...

I can be melancholy but I also feel a grand spectrum of feelings — not just happy, not just melancholy, not just one thing. I'm pretty aware all the time of my feelings.

What will you be like aged 39?

I said this the other day — this young guy asked my dad, "You've been married for 30 years. What's it like, being married to the same woman for 30 years?" And he said, "She's not the same woman." If at 39 years old I'm the same that I am now, it'd be pretty unfortunate. It would also be unfortunate if my work was the same. [I try] to pick something that feels right, that you can pull off and at the same time that you feel is a challenge — it's hard to find. I'm always trying [to do roles] where I feel these things are in line. And I've had the opportunity recently to pick those things.

You used to wear an engagement ring that you said was to yourself. Where is it?

We've been annulled. I'm just off the rings altogether."

Anonymous said...

I remember reading an article(s) on the psychology of slash because it intrigued me. If I can find some of them, I'll post them. One interesting statistic is that something like 98% of slash is (or was at the time of the article) written by straight women. I am an avid reader and have ventured into the realm of writing, which I enjoy even more (which is not to say I'm any good, but it's an exercise in creativity I guess! lol)

It's interesting that while I love Ennis and Jack, Johnny and Omar, Maurice and Alec, I don't think of real people such as Austin and Jake in that way, I'm just happy for them that they might be a couple! My slashy thoughts are confined to fiction and fictional characters and films. I think the main reason is that real people are multi-dimensional human beings, and I'd never impose my thoughts or preconceived notions on another person, or treat them as one-dimensional objects. People are individuals. That's the difference, I think, from what Wicked has had to experience from some straight men. :)

frenchy said...

Talking about the Oscars, I read somewhere that voters were not required to watch the movies they were voting for, but Emmy voters had to watch nominated shows. At first glance the Emmy process seems more honest and sound but I wonder how you can make sure that voters have actually watched those programs.

Anonymous said...

What is Slash? Are you talking about romance novels?

Special K said...

I am a big fan of Margaret Cho. I have seen both I'm the One that I Want and the Notorious C.H.O.

One of my favorite of her's is in reference to Charlie's Angels and how it is like friends, there's the smart one, the pretty one...and then there's the ho. ... look amongst yourselves. : )

Anonymous said...

Seeing Heath at the end of the In Memorial is just...

Anonymous said...

Fan fiction is where amateur authors write stories using the characters from another source. Like BBM, Lord of the Rings etc. There are many subsets and variations with nametags to identify the style and content, since some peope will only read certain kinds. "Slash" indicates that male/male sex is included, although over time I think it's being used as a more generic term for fan fic. Some of the authors are extremely talented.The big negative with fan fic is that they publish one chapter at a time, so there is a wait, like the old fashioned serial stories. Some stories get abandoned and are never finished. Big shakedown in DC forum slash lately, due to Heaths death. Some writers just can not continue their stories knowing he is gone. I find the stories with Heath in them comforting, like he is not really gone.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know whether Reese or
Jake attend the Oscars in person?
I usually do not watch the Oscars.
Special K and Wicked, keep up the fabulous job at OMG! It never
ceases to amaze me what you come up new every day.
For Jake, I wish for him to be
100% COMPLETELY happy with whomever he chooses in his life.
I wish that it was Austin but if it is Reese, then good luck to him.
I will always think there was a
special connection with Austin. I
sometimes think that now they are
just friends. At times, I have thought that they were soulmates.
It is puzzling that Austin is now
wearing the torquoise ring again.
I have also become quite a fan of Tink. You will keep up the tradition of having her photo for
Christmas, won't you, Wicked? Keep
up the excellent work!

Anonymous said...

No, they didn't.

Anonymous said...

Ted's latest column:
(part about Penelope premier)

Ms. Aw-Shucks Nice herself, Reese Witherspoon, showed up for some fine photo ops in her cute, casual and coordinated clothes, but her publicist wanted everyone to know Ree-Ree (who starred in and produced the pic) was sicky-poo and wouldn’t be talking to anyone. Ill, mon derriere! Girl just doesn’t want to answer any dang Jake questions. Wither-babe graciously gabbed to two camera outlets and jumped out of sight to mingle with the crowd of premiere partyers, ya know, just like an unwell woman is wont to do.

Uh huh. I had a feeling something wasn't right and Ted did too. Good to know I'm not the only one who smelled bullshit.

From my OMG post 2/24:

....BUT here's the thing: on Leno Monday she said everyone in her house had been sick (HAD been: maening over with it. EVERYONE: I would think she was including herself, right?) with the flu. On Weds she was at Penelope premier looking fine. On set Thurs, goes home on Fri. Maybe true she was sick but I'm suspicious. Don't know of what yet but it just sounds "off".

Have they gone out to an official HW event thing together as a 'couple' ?? No, don't think so. And I don't think they will, ever. Why? Because they aren't.


Anonymous said...

Subtitle: Missed Piggy
